The end of the school year is a time full of celebrations
for the dedicated work of our students and staff. These recognitions exemplify
the contributions of those that make our District the special place it is, and
why I am compelled to share them again here in my blog.
On May 10, 2017, the NSD Governing Board celebrated Kiwanis student
scholars from each of our schools, students with seven years of perfect
attendance, and authors of the first annual Read Across America writing
contest. One student from Lincoln Acres Elementary School, Jonathan Jimenez,
was recognized for all three recognitions. His book will be the Read Across
America book donated to our school libraries next year. Jonathan is a model
example of the type of student we work to cultivate each day in NSD.
On May 24, 2017, the Governing Board continued its celebrations
by recognizing employees for 20 and 25 years of service as well as our teacher
of the year, Evy Baca, and classified of the year Evelyn Sanchez. Our Board also wished our retirees well in
their new adventures. Although I only had a short time to get to know them,
most moving for me were the sentiments that each person shared about their
experience in NSD. While we will miss them greatly, we thank each of them for
the legacy they leave behind.
Finally, I want to congratulate a few exceptional recognitions received outside of NSD:
Finally, I want to congratulate a few exceptional recognitions received outside of NSD:
On February 23, 2017 Rachael Hallett was
recognized by the Community Advisory Committee
On April 28, 2017, PJ Whitney was named
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction of the Year by the
Association of California School Administrators
In May 2017, The California Association for
Bilingual Education, San Diego Padres, and National City Freemasons celebrated
sixth grade students across the District
On May 6, 2017, The Greater San Diego Reading
Association recognized Rosie (Rosario) Espinoza
On May 11, 2017, Martha Garcia-Gallega, and
Patricia Carillo were celebrated at the SDCOE Biliteracy Awards
These recognitions are well deserved, and remind us of the
achievements our outstanding students and staff make on a daily basis.
Therefore, I wish to extend another congratulations to our award recipients,
and a big thank you to all who contribute to the success of NSD!