Dear National School District Families,
I am writing to you to acknowledge a growing feeling of unrest in response to recent immigration actions being taken in our community.
On January 25, 2017, our School Board passed the attached resolution advocating for and protecting each of the students of National School District. In this document, the Board reaffirms that safe, inclusive and equitable learning environments are essential to the success of each student. In addition, the Board directs the Superintendent and staff to diligently safeguard the educational rights and protections afforded to ALL students, regardless of immigration status.
Please be assured that our schools do not request or maintain any records that specify the citizenship status of any students or members of their families. Proof of legal residency is not required to enroll children in school. Birth certificates are used solely to determine age appropriateness for attending school, however are never shared with other governmental agencies without a warrant or court order. Confidentiality of our students is paramount. We collect information for meal applications but only to determine qualification in the free/reduced meal program.
Our Mission in National School District is that ‘Each student in the National School District receives an exemplary, world-class education in a safe and nurturing environment. By collaborating with educators, staff, parents and our diverse community, all students attain the skills essential to succeed and thrive in a competitive, global society.’ We value the diversity in our community, and encourage all parents and guardians to continue to engage in the activities at your school sites to support the academic achievements of your children. In addition, we want to emphasize that parents are welcome on our school campuses, regardless of immigration status.
Finally, we recognize that we all may know someone affected by the recent instability, and want parents to know that our local Family Resource Center (FRC) can provide more information regarding legal rights and resources available. Parents can contact the FRC at or by calling Director Sergio Rosas at 619-336-8659. In addition, there are many online resources available through the American Civil Liberties Union at
Please know that in National School District, we are all family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your principal or my office.
I am writing to you to acknowledge a growing feeling of unrest in response to recent immigration actions being taken in our community.
On January 25, 2017, our School Board passed the attached resolution advocating for and protecting each of the students of National School District. In this document, the Board reaffirms that safe, inclusive and equitable learning environments are essential to the success of each student. In addition, the Board directs the Superintendent and staff to diligently safeguard the educational rights and protections afforded to ALL students, regardless of immigration status.
Please be assured that our schools do not request or maintain any records that specify the citizenship status of any students or members of their families. Proof of legal residency is not required to enroll children in school. Birth certificates are used solely to determine age appropriateness for attending school, however are never shared with other governmental agencies without a warrant or court order. Confidentiality of our students is paramount. We collect information for meal applications but only to determine qualification in the free/reduced meal program.
Our Mission in National School District is that ‘Each student in the National School District receives an exemplary, world-class education in a safe and nurturing environment. By collaborating with educators, staff, parents and our diverse community, all students attain the skills essential to succeed and thrive in a competitive, global society.’ We value the diversity in our community, and encourage all parents and guardians to continue to engage in the activities at your school sites to support the academic achievements of your children. In addition, we want to emphasize that parents are welcome on our school campuses, regardless of immigration status.
Finally, we recognize that we all may know someone affected by the recent instability, and want parents to know that our local Family Resource Center (FRC) can provide more information regarding legal rights and resources available. Parents can contact the FRC at or by calling Director Sergio Rosas at 619-336-8659. In addition, there are many online resources available through the American Civil Liberties Union at
Please know that in National School District, we are all family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your principal or my office.
Estimadas Familias del Distrito Escolar National:
Les escribo para reconocer un creciente sentimiento de inquietud en respuesta a las recientes acciones de inmigración siendo tomadas en nuestra comunidad.
El 25 de enero de 2017, nuestra Mesa Directiva aprobó la resolución adjunta abogando por y protegiendo a cada uno de nuestros estudiantes del Distrito Escolar National. En este documento, la Mesa Directiva reafirma que la seguridad, inclusiva y equitativa a ambientes de aprendizaje son esencial para el logro de cada estudiante. Adicionalmente, la Mesa Directiva dirige al Superintendente y al personal de diligentemente salvaguardar los derechos educativos y las protecciones otorgadas a TODOS los estudiantes, independientemente de su estado migratorio.
Por favor tengan la seguridad de que nuestras escuelas no hacen petición o mantienen ningún registro que especifican el estado de ciudadanía de cualquier estudiante o miembro de su familia. La prueba de residencia legal no es requerida para inscribir un niño/a en la escuela. Los certificados de nacimiento se utilizan solamente para determinar la edad apropiada para asistir a la escuela, sin embargo nunca se comparten con otras agencias gubernamentales sin una orden judicial. La confidencialidad de nuestros estudiantes es primordial. Recolectamos información para aplicaciones de almuerzo solamente para determinar calificación en el programa de almuerzo gratis o precio reducido.
Nuestra Misión en el Distrito Escolar National es que ‘cada estudiante en el Distrito Escolar National recibe una educación ejemplar, de clase mundial en un ambiente seguro y favorable. Colaborando con maestros, personal, padres y nuestra comunidad diversa, todos los estudiantes alcanzan las habilidades esenciales para ser sobresalientes y tener éxito en una sociedad competitiva y global.’ Nosotros valoramos la diversidad en nuestra comunidad y animamos a todos los padres y tutores en continuar comprometiéndose en las actividades en nuestras escuelas para apoyar nuestros niños/as. Adicionalmente, nosotros queremos enfatizar que los padres son bienvenidos a nuestras escuelas, independientemente de su estado migratorio.
Por último, reconocemos que todos posiblemente conocemos a alguien afectado por la reciente inestabilidad, y deseamos que los padres sepan que nuestro Centro Regional Familiar (FRC) puede proporcionar más información sobre los derechos legales y recursos disponibles. Los padres pueden contactar al FRC en o llamando al director, Sergio Rosas al 619-336-8659. Además, hay muchos recursos en línea disponible por medio de American Civil Liberties Union en
Por favor sepa que en el Distrito Escolar National, todos nosotros somos una familia. Si tiene cualquier pregunta, por favor de no titubear en comunicarse con su director de escuela o mi oficina.
Les escribo para reconocer un creciente sentimiento de inquietud en respuesta a las recientes acciones de inmigración siendo tomadas en nuestra comunidad.
El 25 de enero de 2017, nuestra Mesa Directiva aprobó la resolución adjunta abogando por y protegiendo a cada uno de nuestros estudiantes del Distrito Escolar National. En este documento, la Mesa Directiva reafirma que la seguridad, inclusiva y equitativa a ambientes de aprendizaje son esencial para el logro de cada estudiante. Adicionalmente, la Mesa Directiva dirige al Superintendente y al personal de diligentemente salvaguardar los derechos educativos y las protecciones otorgadas a TODOS los estudiantes, independientemente de su estado migratorio.
Por favor tengan la seguridad de que nuestras escuelas no hacen petición o mantienen ningún registro que especifican el estado de ciudadanía de cualquier estudiante o miembro de su familia. La prueba de residencia legal no es requerida para inscribir un niño/a en la escuela. Los certificados de nacimiento se utilizan solamente para determinar la edad apropiada para asistir a la escuela, sin embargo nunca se comparten con otras agencias gubernamentales sin una orden judicial. La confidencialidad de nuestros estudiantes es primordial. Recolectamos información para aplicaciones de almuerzo solamente para determinar calificación en el programa de almuerzo gratis o precio reducido.
Nuestra Misión en el Distrito Escolar National es que ‘cada estudiante en el Distrito Escolar National recibe una educación ejemplar, de clase mundial en un ambiente seguro y favorable. Colaborando con maestros, personal, padres y nuestra comunidad diversa, todos los estudiantes alcanzan las habilidades esenciales para ser sobresalientes y tener éxito en una sociedad competitiva y global.’ Nosotros valoramos la diversidad en nuestra comunidad y animamos a todos los padres y tutores en continuar comprometiéndose en las actividades en nuestras escuelas para apoyar nuestros niños/as. Adicionalmente, nosotros queremos enfatizar que los padres son bienvenidos a nuestras escuelas, independientemente de su estado migratorio.
Por último, reconocemos que todos posiblemente conocemos a alguien afectado por la reciente inestabilidad, y deseamos que los padres sepan que nuestro Centro Regional Familiar (FRC) puede proporcionar más información sobre los derechos legales y recursos disponibles. Los padres pueden contactar al FRC en o llamando al director, Sergio Rosas al 619-336-8659. Además, hay muchos recursos en línea disponible por medio de American Civil Liberties Union en
Por favor sepa que en el Distrito Escolar National, todos nosotros somos una familia. Si tiene cualquier pregunta, por favor de no titubear en comunicarse con su director de escuela o mi oficina.
Leighangela Brady Superintendente
Leighangela Brady Superintendente
National School District
ON THE MOTION OF Member Clapper, seconded by Member Sarmiento, the following resolution is adopted:
WHEREAS, the National School District enrolls over 5,800 elementary school students, that come from a variety of cultural, linguistic and economic backgrounds that reflect California’s cultural richness and diversity; and
WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the National School District is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment by building a culture of equity and a positive climate that promotes excellence throughout the district; and
WHEREAS, the National School District has been steadfast in its pledge to promote inclusion and provide a safe and secure environment for each student and each employee; and
WHEREAS, the National School District is determined to provide students, parents, employees, and community members a safe, positive environment where they are assured of full access and opportunities, protection from harassment or intimidation, and freedom from any fear of retaliation for asserting their rights in accordance with law; and
WHEREAS, our country is grappling with a recently developing climate of uncertainty about discriminatory practices; and
WHEREAS, the School Superintendents Association (AASA), the American School Counselor Association, the Gay-Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN), the Human Rights Campaign, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA), the National School Boards Association, and the National Association of School Psychologists, have urged school districts across the nation to actively proclaim and reaffirm that safe, inclusive and equitable learning environments are essential to the success of each student.
ON THE MOTION OF Member Clapper, seconded by Member Sarmiento, the following resolution is adopted:
WHEREAS, the National School District enrolls over 5,800 elementary school students, that come from a variety of cultural, linguistic and economic backgrounds that reflect California’s cultural richness and diversity; and
WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the National School District is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment by building a culture of equity and a positive climate that promotes excellence throughout the district; and
WHEREAS, the National School District has been steadfast in its pledge to promote inclusion and provide a safe and secure environment for each student and each employee; and
WHEREAS, the National School District is determined to provide students, parents, employees, and community members a safe, positive environment where they are assured of full access and opportunities, protection from harassment or intimidation, and freedom from any fear of retaliation for asserting their rights in accordance with law; and
WHEREAS, our country is grappling with a recently developing climate of uncertainty about discriminatory practices; and
WHEREAS, the School Superintendents Association (AASA), the American School Counselor Association, the Gay-Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN), the Human Rights Campaign, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA), the National School Boards Association, and the National Association of School Psychologists, have urged school districts across the nation to actively proclaim and reaffirm that safe, inclusive and equitable learning environments are essential to the success of each student.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Governing Board of the National School District is boldly declaring its on-going commitment to ensuring all schools and district offices are safe and positive environments wherein each student and each employee is protected from all forms of discrimination, harassment or intimidation of any kind, be it based on age, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, immigration status, or the perception of one or more of these characteristics; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board directs the superintendent, with the cabinet, administrators, teachers, counselors, and staff, to take all necessary steps to maintain the safety, inclusion and equity with the school community; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board directs the superintendent to provide the necessary outlets for expression, learning, communication and information to the district community, including encouraging students, families, staff, and community partners to explore student and individual rights, the history of civics and coalition building, as well as the struggle to make progress in light of adversity, empowering and recognizing the importance of student leadership and activism; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board directs the superintendent and general counsel to ensure that District policies, regulations and practices will safeguard the educational rights and protections afforded to students, including, but not limited to, those found under the 2011 Memorandum from the Department of Homeland Security classifying schools as sensitive locations where immigration enforcement actions are prohibited, the State of California’s compliance with the California Trust Act of 2014, and to immigrant students and their families under the 1982 Supreme Court decision in the matter of Plyler v. Doe; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board will continue its advocacy and urge the superintendent to continue working collaboratively with federal, state, regional and local government officials, as well as community agencies and community members, and support forthcoming legislative efforts that affirm the clearly stated values of safety, inclusion and equity including, 1) continuing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, 2) clearly articulate the rights of all students to attend school without the fear of detention and deportation and 3) to urge the Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency as well as the U.S. Border Patrol to affirm that schools are now and will forever be sensitive locations where they will not seek to detain and deport immigrant families who pose no threat to community safety.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the National District Governing Board, County of San Diego, State of California, this 25th day of January, 2017, by the following vote:
Clapper, Dalla, Sarmiento, Avalos, Betancourt-Castañeda